Sustainability & Silk Flowers with Hotel Magazine


SilkSense Auckland Silk Flower Rental has been featured in New Zealand’s Hotel Magazine!

Recently we had the wonderful opportunity to chat to the team behind Hotel Magazine and convince them that silk flowers are the all round better option for decorating your space. We were so pleased to be able to shed some light on the wonderful world of silk flowers and discuss in detail the subscription service that we offer within the Auckland region. We chatted about everything from how the silk flower subscription service works to the incredible benefits of using silk flower arrangements in your business or home.

One of the hot topics we discussed was how silk flowers (ie: faux flowers) are actually the more sustainable option when it comes to decorating your space. Yes it’s true! Silk florals are in fact the eco-friendly option owing to the lack of natural resources needed, the minimal use of transport (ie less carbon emissions than fresh flowers) and also due to the fact they can be reused over and over again and also recycled when they eventually come to the end of their life.


Click here to read the full article about SilkSense Auckland Silk Flower Rental via the Hotel Magazine website.


As you can tell from this article we are passionate about our business renting and delivering silk flower arrangements across the Auckland region. And we love meeting new people and delighting new clients too! So contact us today if you’d like to know more about our little local Auckland based silk flower subscription service.

We are sure you will be delighted at what we have to offer.

Speak soon! 💐

Alana & Werner

SilkSense Auckland Silk Flower Rental